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Training Programmes

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The art and skills training using infamous and strategic writings and proven precepts of Sun Wu.  We teach and train in this oriental management art using the modern western well developed professional principles and skills of management in order to secure the comprehension of all participants.  The strategic art then becomes their formidable instrument for successful business strategies, management and growth in any industry.  

It has been expounded and taught to many top executives, managers, business enterprises via the invitations of the Business Networking Club (BNC), the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents and Realtors (MIEAR), the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), and directly on the request of companies, like the SK Brothers, Thomas Howell Group, Pan Global Group, LUSEP (AIA Group), MIDA, etc.


The 5S Philosophy (SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU & SHISUKE) focuses on effective work place organization and standardized work procedures.  5S simplifies your work environment, reduces waste and non-value activity while improving quality efficiency and safety.  The effect on continuous improvement can lead to less waste, better quality and faster lead-time.  Any of which will make your organization more profitable and competitive in the market place.or companies.  include Allied Trans-Link Express Sdn Bhd, PICO International (M) Sdn Bhd, Presstronics Sdn Bhd, etc.


Mind mapping train your brain to convert information into usable intelligence and attain simple solutions to complex problems.

  • Dramatically increase memory and concentration via Mind Maps

  • Stimulate creativity in yourself and others via Mind Maps

  • Applying Mind Maps in note-taking, note-making, problem solving, speech writing, meetings, planning and studying

  • Distil immense amount of information or materials onto one sheet of paper


This course provides a systematic framework that allows you to confidently manage the negotiation and influencing process, and to develop specific skills to enhance your negotiating competence.

  • Critical Components underlying the negotiation process

  • Managing the 'Emotional Atmosphere' 

  • Negotiation Tactics - Influencing the Power Balance

  • Development of negotiation strategy options

  • Non-verbal communication in negotiation


This course approaches motivation from a cognitive/behavioral perspective and covers communication and management approaches, a 'self-employed' mentality and pride in professionalism for all team members.

  • The Cognitive/Behavioural Approach to motivate your Boss, Co-workers, Employees and Yourself 

  • Key steps to building self-esteem in your people.

  • Retention: What makes an employee want to continue in your employment.

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